David Plummer - personal statement

Like most things in my life they occur by accident rather than design. My involvement in Mission Morogoro has proved to be a very positive accidental experience. My first visit to Tanzania was a mixture of sorrow and joy. Sorrow at seeing the poverty and the suffering and lots of joy when meeting the people who are full spirit and hope for the future. Our tour of the Tunguli Clinic was heart breaking, so few facilities and so much suffering. It immediately became my first priority to try to help this community wherever possible. It was small enough to see that our group could make a difference and with the help of Isaac Mgego, a project where we could guarantee every penny raised being spent wisely, but our involvement through Laurence Wood has gone beyond my wildest ideas on how positive and long term our effect could be.Although it is now two years since I visited Tunguli I am happy with what Mission Morogoro has achieved but very concerned about how much more there is to complete, but the vision of a self- supporting health and educational system in Tunguli must remain our aim.