Rebuild Tunguli Church
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Update - December 2020
We are thrilled to report that over the past two years a great deal has been achieved through your support and the hard work of the church community in Tunguli.
The roof has been completed making the structure mostly weatherproof and allowing the congregation to hold services under cover.
All external doors have been made and fitted and Pastor Phares Mwegalawa said: ‘I thank so much MISSION MOROGORO for helping us money for church doors, the work has completed as you can see, so we are now able to keep the church closed all the time’.
The church community has gathered sand and plastered the area behind the altar. They have also constructed a new, improved, latrine block for the use of the congregation.
When finance is available the next step towards completing the structure will be to install windows and security grills and it will then be possible to securely store items such as furniture and important paperwork. We are currently working to raise funds for the windows. A total of 11 are required and they each cost £140 complete with grill and fitting.
Anyone wishing to sponsor a window, which can be dedicated to them, should contact MM or make a donation via our ‘Donate’ page.
Update - December 2018
Further great news. More progress has been made with the walls and thanks to the fund-raising activities of our supporters MM has been able to send a further £1,500 to purchase materials for the roof. The picture below shows a small number of the 140 metal roofing sheets, stored safely in the home of a church elder. We are now working towards covering the cost of £2,000 for the timbers and labour to complete the roof.
Update - September 2018
We are delighted to report excellent progress with the rebuilding work. In June of this year, thanks to the generosity and hard work of our supporters, MM was able to send £3,000 to Tunguli. This has allowed the foundations to be completed and the walls built up to window level. The pictures show the walls almost complete with only the ring-beam around the top of the wall to be added.
But there is much to do. The sum needed to complete the walls, add the roof and finish the building interior is £11,000 so fund-raising continues. MM trustees visited Tunguli in August and the villagers send their greetings and heartfelt thanks.
Appeal to rebuild Tunguli Church - January 2018
We are appealing for your help to rebuild the Anglican church of St Elizabeth in Tunguli. The church, which has a congregation of more than 250 people, was destroyed by a bad storm in 2016. The community is doing its best to construct a strong, new building but needs our help. The total cost of this project is less than £15,000 but this is a huge challenge to people who earn only £1 per day. So far the villagers have managed to raise around £1500 and are at the foundation stage of the build – they have no other support.
The churches of the Wychebrook and Bowbrook benefices in the Anglican Diocese of Worcester are making an extended Lent appeal. They are running events and other fundraising projects, for which we are very grateful. But we need your support too!
Together we can give the people of Tunguli a great gift - a safe place to worship.-
The church before the storm
These are the words of Rev Dickson Dyahila, pastor of St Elizabeth’s Church.
It was 7th February 2016 when our church fall down after heavy rain and a storm attacked our village. It was a sad day for everyone who came to that place where the building was.
After the storm ....
Completely flattened.
But we thank God that people would not give up and joined together to build a temporary hut whereby people will continue to worship our Lord while the process is taking place. We started to build that temporary hut as you can see which took four days to finish.
Rebuilt from the rubble in four days ...
... but open to the weather.
After that we started a plan of building a permanent and a strong church.
People started to contribute their money and their power and they started to building the church to the stage as you can see.
The foundations taking shape
Rev Dyahila working hard
Moving soil for foundations
We are sure that our Lord won’t leave us alone hoping that on October this year 2018 we will be worshipping in our new building. May the Lord God bless you all our friends for your contributions and prayers to make sure that the house of God is built up for his people to worship in.