What we do
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." Mother Theresa
Our initial projects were born from the instinct to do what we could to immediately improve the lives of those we met. However, as our fundraising gained momentum and interest in our work grew there was a natural evolution towards a more proactive approach. Having previously witnessed the decline of many well intentioned charity schemes while living and working in Africa I was determined that Mission Morogoro would be different. The sustainability of our projects is of upmost importance to me and as a trustee I feel highly accountable to all of our supporters. I am proud of the fact that I can trace the destination of every penny we have invested and can identify the ongoing impact of this expenditure.
We are able to maintain this transparency as a result of an invaluable working relationship with Isaac Mgego - Berega Hospital Director. This has been enhanced by partnership work with other charities on the ground and regular trustee visits. Regular information sharing enables us to evaluate our success so far and develop a clear vision for the future.
This reflective approach has led to our decision to target our work to benefit the community of Tunguli. Although we will continue to maintain our current commitments the majority of our resources will be employed to empower the residents of this area to achieve and sustain improved health, social and economic well-being.
It seems fitting that a small charity with its roots in a small area of Worcestershire is now focused on making a big difference in another small place.
Please click on the links in the PROJECTS menu to learn more about our work and its impact in Tunguli.
Helen Deegan - Trustee
“I am proud of the fact that I can trace the destination of every penny we have invested”