Visiting Morogoro, Tanzania in 2012 was for me a truly inspirational experience. We met with such hospitality and warmth from people who, in many cases, have little but are very willing to share with friends what they do have. Our visit brought home to me the unfairness of a world where simply being born into such an economically deprived part of the world has left people without access to even the basics of life in food and water, healthcare and education.

Looking back from the perspective of 2024 on the past 12 years it is thrilling to see the huge improvements made in maternal health, safe water and sanitation plus the rebuilding of the church, which is so important to the community of Tunguli. These improvements could only be made through the support of our local partners in Tunguli and our loyal supporters in the UK. We are grateful to you all and look forward to continuing this work together into the future.

While MM will continue to support these long term projects I am also excited that work on a Community Savings program will begin in 2025. This will focus on developing money management and entrepreneurial skills, supporting opportunities for commercial development to help lift people out of poverty. For this we are again working with a local partner who has a strong track record of success in this area.

Finally, I am personally delighted to be joined by our new trustees who are all adding such value and energy to the work of MM.
